How to easily run x86_64 (Intel) packages on apple m1 macbook?

Kavish Baghel
2 min readMay 6, 2022
Image by Markus Spiske from Pixabay

Hi Everyone, I recently got the new M1 pro chip Macbook for my personal work and one issue that I encountered was how to run the applications that were only supported for the Intel chip Macbook i.e x86_64 packages.

Keeping it short, here is a small hack that I would like to share for enabling the m1 chip based macs to run the x86_64 packages. All you need is to install Rosetta 2 on your mac and then you are good to go with the x86_64 packages.

Just run the below command to install Rosetta 2 in your terminal -

/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license

This will install Rosetta 2 and now you can easily run any x86_64 package on your apple M1 mac. I hope this was helpful for you!

You can have a look at my other articles as well -

Thank You :)



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